Saturday, September 1, 2007

Welcome to Peyton's Place!

Hello all! My mom finally decided to give this 'blogger'
thing a try. It seems to be all the rage these days! She's pretty
new to it, but I'm sure she'll have it all figured out soon.
Thanks for stopping by!

Hangin' out at Jack Parker's 1st b-day party in GI. What a blast!
Just chillin' in the back seat.
(Don't let this fool you, she really doesn't travel this easy... normally.)
Bein' cheesy! This was taken a couple weekends ago while camping at Enders. It was Peyton's first camping trip. She had a great time! Mom & Dad, however; realized how old they were getting & decided sleeping on an air mattress in a tent is not as much fun as it used to be! We had fun tho' nevertheless.

Sportin' the new jean jacket.
Just a random pic I took today. Isn't she a ham?

I promise to try my hardest at updating this thing as often as I can. Unfortunately, I have been really bad about taking pictures lately. I'm hoping this new blog will somehow make me more determined to get the camera out more often. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

I guess I can see why a "blog" is better than MySpace - it's easier to view and takes WAY less time to load... I like it. Talk to you later! Love, Mom

Blackmans said...

I love the new blog! It is an addiction!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic!! I love it. And she is definitely a little ham...a cute one!
Love, Tami

Dave Ja Vu said...

YAY! You have a blog now! Now, Heidi needs one and the circle will be complete!

Anonymous said...

Cute but where are the pics of mom & dad!

Cute blog.


The Hagan Clan said...

i love your blog... your lil girl is too cute.!!!!