Friday, January 25, 2008

Just a few pics...

Just a couple pics to let you all know that we're still alive & well. Sorry it's been a while since the last update. I haven't been the best about getting the camera out. Busy, busy...

Joe had a control burn a couple wks ago & when he came home - I just had to get a shot of this! Do you think he needs a shower? LOL!


Dave Ja Vu said...

Okay, on the day that photo was taken of Joe, was Peyton perchance stooped on the porch with her guitar singing "Well, I'm proud to be a coalminer's daughter..." ala Loretta Lynn? Cuz if so, that'd be weird, huh?

The Hagan Clan said...

Luv the pic of you and Peyton! I Bryan came home looking like that some times from a fire... and i also remember how the bathtub looks like when he gets done taking a bath too..LOL