Monday, June 9, 2008

The long awaited news...

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Yes, Uncle Dave (a.k.a. fetus whisperer) - you were RIGHT! (As much as I wanted to prove you wrong, I'm somewhat relieved I think.) Joe and I look at this way: 1. We're experienced in raising a little girl... (so far).
And 2., It's gonna' be a heckuva lot cheaper as we already have EVERYTHING we need!

We're very excited! Peytie is THRILLED she gets to have a sister. For the last couple months we've been asking her what she thinks it's gonna' be & about 9 times out of 10, she's said "a baby sista'!" Well... she definitely got her way, didn't she?! Imagine that! LOL!

Also, the other good news- I don't have placenta previa! (The placenta did move up like they had hoped.) YAY! All in all - it was a banner day at the clinic today! (With the exception of hanging out there for 2 & 1/2 hours!! Ugh!)

So now comes preparing the nursery, getting all Peytie's baby clothes out, etc... It's gonna' be SOOOO much fun!

Until the next update... PEACE!


The Hagan Clan said...

Congrats girl.... we are very excited for you and Joe and of course lil Peytie!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!! Congrads!!!!

Klumpe Klan: said...

We are excited for ya! - Now if Peyton is not interested Karson will have another girl in town!

Love YA

Dave Ja Vu said...

I hate to say I told you so, but...

No, really, The GI Vrbi are very excited for you. Plus, we needed more girls to keep these rowdy boyz in line in this fam!

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend and congratulate you in person! It'll be an interesting weekend--if ya know what I mean!

Dave, Amy and Jack

Miner Ramblings said...

Congrats to you guys! I'd like to say that I feel sorry for Joe having three women in the house, but I know he deserves what he gets

The Miners

Sherman said...

Wonderful news! I'm so happy for you guys and excited that Miss Addison will have a girl to play with on our trips home. Congrats! See you this weekend.

brusoe2000 said...

congrats on girl number 2. you will have so much fun. and randy's right joe does deserve 3 women for eternity. lol have fun with it.