Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fall Carnival!

We finished off this weekend with going to the Heritage of Wauneta's fall carnival. We go every year & Peyton always has a lot of fun! She played numerous games, won prizes, won 2 cakes on the cake walk and got her face painted. I recommend it - it's a fun time had by all! ;o)

Hangin' with G-ma Betty inside, before everything got started.


Kelsi the clown!
(She REALLY wanted me to post this pic! Tee hee...)

One of the cakes she won.

The duck pond


Spin the wheel

Her favorite part... face painting & tattoos!


Anonymous said...

A fun time had by all... unless of course you're 8 and 9/10's months pregnant! Then your back hurts, your feet hurt, and there's never anywhere to sit down! :o) Glad you came anyway, though!
Love ya,