Saturday, June 28, 2008

My new camera came... FINALLY!

We got a Nikon Coolpix P80 & I LOVE it! Some of these pictures may not be the clearest. I'm hoping that's just because I'm not used to it yet & will hopefully figure it out soon. I know it's been forever so here are several pics to tide you over...

Well... she's DEFINITELY growing!!

**The pregnancy has been going really well. I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable at times because of the growing & stretching (as expected...) but other than that - I feel great! I'm starting to do a little nesting. I have been really excited to get started on going through all the totes of Peytie's baby clothes! I just need to find room to put them. 'Big sister' is NOT willing to move downstairs & give her room up for the baby. Maybe in time... ? The other thing that Joe & I have been stressing about... (Ok, who am I kidding? Not Joe. Just me.) is finding the perfect name for this little girl, coming soon, I keep reminding him! We have several that we've been tossing around but are not set on ANY yet. If anyone has any ideas - please feel free to comment.

Me & Joe - goofing around at his parents!

Great g-ma Helen & Uncle Jerry were back for a couple days. So mom invited us over for supper both Thursday & Friday nights. (Any time I don't have to cook makes me happy!) Plus - who could pass up steaks and enchiladas?! They were so yummy! Thanks mom & Hank! Here are a few pics from both nights.

Poppo, Peytie & Uncle Jerry - swingin'.

Joe & Peytie made the 1st trip to the local fireworks stand ALREADY. We put a few small one's off Friday night.

Great G-ma Helen, Peytie & Great G-ma Betty.

Peytie & Addie Cat (What would she do without her kitty?)

Cousin Jacob! Such a cutie!


I had to share this with you all. Jaime & I went to the Wauneta garage sales this a.m. & I found this ADORABLE Moses' basket. I was planning on getting a bassinet for our bedroom so the baby can sleep in our room for the first several months. And I think this will work PERFECT!
I also got a great deal on a double stroller too! It turned out to be a pretty good day for bargains for both of us! Thanks for going Jaim & again, thank Jas for me, for letting us take the pickup! Who knew I would fill the entire thing?! ;o)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Gramma 'Laine!!

We wish you a very happy birthday Grandma!!
We love you very much~
Joe, Sarah, Peytie & baby

Monday, June 16, 2008

Pioneer Days 2008!

Well, Pioneer Days 2008 is behind us now. The weekend was great! I think people had a lot of fun as usual. Here are a few pics...

Thanks to all who took pics & sent them to me! I appreciate it! I hope to have a new camera soon!

Peyton was asked to be 'Miss Poppy' for the Legion Auxiliary this year. She had a blast and got to ride through the parade with her Papa Jerry!

Joe, wearing his dress to promote the 'Guys as Gals' softball game later that day.
-I love ya' honey but you sure don't make a pretty girl AT ALL! (And that's perfectly ok with me!)

Peytie, hanging out with her Papa during the rest of the parade.

Mommy, Peytie & Nana at the softball game.

Palisade & Hayes Center Fire Departments. We're so glad it turned out so well! The guys had a great time I think & we hope to do it again next year. Thanks for being such good sports, guys!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Wishing all the father's a very Happy Father's Day! We love you all very much!

Peytie, combing Daddy's hair. (She loves to do this...)

Peytie & her Papa Jerry, hangin' out during the Pioneer Days Parade yesterday.
(Thanks for the pics Miss!)

Grandpa Matt & Peytie wrestling.

Poppo Hank & Peytie at the pool in Kearney.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another baby born in the neighborhood!!

Just wanted to say CONGRATS to our friends - Shad & Nicole Wiese! They have a brand new baby boy! Kreyton Bradley... 7lbs 15oz - 21 inches long! We can't wait to meet him! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Love you all!
~Joe, Sarah, Peytie & baby

Monday, June 9, 2008

The long awaited news...

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Yes, Uncle Dave (a.k.a. fetus whisperer) - you were RIGHT! (As much as I wanted to prove you wrong, I'm somewhat relieved I think.) Joe and I look at this way: 1. We're experienced in raising a little girl... (so far).
And 2., It's gonna' be a heckuva lot cheaper as we already have EVERYTHING we need!

We're very excited! Peytie is THRILLED she gets to have a sister. For the last couple months we've been asking her what she thinks it's gonna' be & about 9 times out of 10, she's said "a baby sista'!" Well... she definitely got her way, didn't she?! Imagine that! LOL!

Also, the other good news- I don't have placenta previa! (The placenta did move up like they had hoped.) YAY! All in all - it was a banner day at the clinic today! (With the exception of hanging out there for 2 & 1/2 hours!! Ugh!)

So now comes preparing the nursery, getting all Peytie's baby clothes out, etc... It's gonna' be SOOOO much fun!

Until the next update... PEACE!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hello all!

Well, it seems to be a Wednesday ritual for me to update the blog. Unfortunately I have no pics this time. I ran out of discs for my camera and Joe & I have decided it's time to buy a new camera anyway, as it's getting pretty old and we're just not very happy with it. So we hope to get a new one as soon as possible so we can keep our peeps updated!

Things are going well at the Vrbas household. Peytie is officially 'potty-trained!' Mom & Dad are soooo happy! I'd like to think we're done with diapers but as you all know, that's not EVEN going to happen. At least we won't have 2 in diapers at the same time. (That was my goal!) Our little Peytunia is growing up so fast. Joe & I took her to a preschool meeting a couple weeks ago as she's going to be starting this September. YIKES! Where did the time go?! She's far more prepared for this 'growing up' stuff than her parents are, ya' know. Ha!

Anyway, the only other thing to mention is about the ONLY thing on my mind this week... Monday is the day!! (To find out the sex of the baby!!) We can not wait! It's been driving me crazy, that I've been far enough along now for a couple weeks to know already - but since my appointment was already set for the 9th, the doc set up the ultrasound the same day. Poor me, right?! LOL! So, for all you wanting to know - keep it tuned in to Peyton's Place. The verdict will be in June 9th!

That's pretty much all the news that's newsworthy around here... Hope you all are having a good spring.

Peace out...